Mr. Tankersley is 43 and is in Construction Upper Management. He is a wonderful father and an amazing husband. His hobbies are working and lifting weights. He is very knowledgeable and easily the smartest man I know.
Son number 1, we'll call him P is two. He was born in September 2007 in Illinois. He is my little blonde hair blue eyed wonder. He is very smart for his age and will talk your ear off if you let him. He's mommy and daddy's "boo".
Son number 2, we'll call him M will be three months old in a couple of days. He was born in December 2009 in Texas. He has mommy's dark skin and hair, but his eyes change from blue to green to brown. He is mommy and daddy's "skeeber bite", but his big brother likes to call him "Sushi"
bwahahaha I love sushi!!