Thursday, April 8, 2010

Traveling with children

We are gearing up for a trip to the DFW area this weekend, followed up with a trip back home to see the family. We are leaving tomorrow and will return on Monday. Who knew it was such a task to travel with two small children. I have already started packing their stuff. I nearly have their whole wardrobe packed just in case it is chilly, in case they get sick, in case they get dirty. Then there's blankets, spit rags, and bibs. Let's not forget diapers, wipes, sippy cups, bottles, formula, cereal, baby food, toddler snacks, and toys. Oh yeah and the stroller, Bumbo, car seats, swing, and bouncer.

Oh, but wait I'm not done yet I still have to pack for Mr. Tankersley and myself. Traveling clothes, gym clothes, going out clothes, toiletries, and pillows.

Done now? Nope now we need laptops, laptop cords, camera, battery charger, and phone charger. Don't forget vitamins, supplements, whey, and shaker bottles.

Oh and what's that Mr. Tankersley? You want to pack a cooler of food so we can eat healthy on the road?? Sure we can totally do that!

Did I mention that I am the lucky one that gets to pack all this crap??? Can you tell how excited I am to be traveling??? Just kidding, I am glad we are getting out of this crap hole for a couple of days, I just DESPISE packing.

In other news the boys are in day three of the photo contest so please click on the link and vote for them. It only takes a minute and you don't have to sign up for anything. I'll be back between the 20th and 25th to ask for votes for the final round since they one day one semi-finals. Thanks to all of you!!!

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