Thursday, March 25, 2010

Half way there

Before I got pregnant with M I decided Mr. Tankersley and I needed to get healthy and drop some pounds. He jumped right into it and started making changes right away. I got pregnant so my changes were put on hold. I continued to eat healthy though and actually lost weight during my pregnancy, even though you wouldn't be able to tell my looking at me back then. Well as soon as I gave birth I started exercising as soon as it was safe. My ultimate goal is 100 pounds by December 29th, 2010.

As of this morning I am down 50 of that 100. I have taken nearly 10% off my body fat, 6 inches or so off my waist, dropped 3 pants sizes, 2 shirt sizes, and believe it or not like 3 shoe sizes.

So how do I do it?


I don't want my boys to grow up thinking fast food is the way to go. I want them to be healthy and live long lives.
I go to the gym an hour a day for 5 days a week. I watch what I eat very closely. I was following a strict macro plan, but I stepped away from that for a while because it was driving me crazy. Anyway, I'll update again at my next milestone.

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