Wednesday, March 24, 2010

We survived...barely

So M decided he wanted to sleep all day so when 10 and 11 pm came around he was wide awake cooing in his swing. P however passed out on the couch pretty early. We all moved to the bedroom about midnight and M was not a happy camper. He like sleeping in the living room because it's so much "drier" than the rest of the house. The bedroom stays pretty damp and cool. At one point in the middle of the night P fell off the bed and got stuck between the bed and the wall. Scared the crap out of me.

M was up every hour until I finally decided to let him sleep in the living room by himself. I mean I am in the next room and I can hear him so why not. By then he was beyond pissed and would just scream. Didn't want to eat, clean diaper, tried every trick in the book before I had to just walk away for a minute. He was out like a light in 2 minutes. Guess he just needed a break from me as much as I needed one from him.

P decided 6:30 am would be a fantastic time to wake up this morning, and now he wants to go back to bed. Thanks honey, mommy can't go back to bed.

I am so glad Mr. Tankersley will be back home tonight. I don't know how single moms do it. I was ready to pull my hair out by the end of one day. Props to the single mommies out there.

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